“Recollection, absorption, meditation, constant remembrance and trance are the five items of progressive krsna-smarana. At first remembrance of Krishna may be interrupted at intervals, but later remembrance proceeds uninterrupted.” – Srila Prabhupada (Nectar of Instruction, Verse 8) This step helps us view God as a person, a sentient being who listens and waits for us.…
“Don’t feel yourself to be alone because Krishna is always with you. Krishna is always with every living entity as supersoul, and to His devotees especially He talks and gives instructions how to attain the perfectional stage of meeting Him. So don’t feel alone. Always chant whenever possible, read our books, and there will be…
“Spiritual strength means sincerity and sincerity means spiritual strength.” – Srila Prabhupada (May 14, 1975, Perth) A song from the 1954 award winning Bollywood film Boot Polish, graphically explains how empowered we are: John, a bootlegger teaches little children self-respect and asks - nane munne bacche teri mutti mein kya hai? – ‘Oh dear children,…
“I have no devotion, nor do I have any knowledge, but I have strong faith in the Holy Name of Krishna.” - Srila Prabhupada, on board the ship Jaladuta, Commonwealth Pier, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (dated 18th of September, 1965) Two sincere spiritual practitioners – Rama dasa and Krishna dasa (names changed) are chanting Hare Krishna for…